Macedonia Baptist Church

In 1908, at the residence of Mrs. Amanda Johnson, Nauck Heights, now 22ndand South Monroe Streets, a few Christian people held prayer meetings regularly from 1908 until 1911. The group which was composed of Bonder and Amanda Johnson, Gus Mitchell, Ella Mitchell, Josephine Bankhead, Reverend Hugh Bankhead, Matilda Grayson, Edward Walker, Robert Commodore, Sr., Bennie West and Levi Green, decided to organize a church.
They purchased a lot and erected a small building which was set aside in 1911 by Reverend Frank Graham of Mt. Zion Baptist Church and Reverend Brass Clark of Alexandria, Virginia, as the Macedonia Baptist Church. Reverend John Gilliam was called as the first Pastor.
In 1912, Reverend Gilliam held the first baptizing in Four Mile Run with the following candidates: Martha Mitchell, Samuel Johnson, Clara Green, Effie Commodore, Robert Commodore, Viola Mitchell, Beatrice Johnson, Naomi Johnson and David Johnson. The Church then elected the following officers: Bonder Johnson, Chairman of the Deacon Board, Edward Walker, Chairman of the Trustee Board, David Johnson, Church Clerk. Reverend Gilliam was called to a larger church and was replaced by Reverend Bernard Botts.
The Macedonia Baptist Church was founded in a very humble way, yet with the highest ideals for which the Church stands today. Once a week services were held in the little Church until the membership felt the need to expand. They then purchased the old Peyton Hall at Nauck Station, the site of the present Church during the time of Reverend Botts’ pastorship.
Reverend Pinkney, Reverend Botts successor carried the Church on. Using his wonderful teaching ability, he aroused great interest in the Sunday School and increased its membership. He was then called to another Church.
Reverend Richardson then accepted the pastorship for a short time. It seemed that the Church was having a hard time to survive with the steady stream of pastors. While searching for a successor to Reverend Richardson, Reverend Carter Taylor came to their rescue and served as pastor until they made a decision. With his spiritual help and guidance, the church decided to call Reverend Owen Hawkins, who led the Church until 1925. Reverend Sherman W. Phillips of Falls Church, Virginia was then called. Under his spiritual and helpful supervision, the Church prospered and continued to grow.

On September 18, 1927, the cornerstone was laid and the old Church was erected. In the ensuing years the Church has carried on many successful activities. Revivals, raffles, concerts and programs have been held in the interest of furthering Christian Fellowship.

The Church has prospered under the leadership of Reverend Phillips, that since 1946, $36,000 has been spent on remodeling and improvements, in addition to the current expenses. With our annual rally in 1952, the Church cleared its mortgage and is now free of debt.
On June 1, 1968, after 43 years of faithful ministerial service, Reverend Phillips was called to eternal rest.

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